


The Hedgeman中心 学生多样性倡议和项目 helps create and sustain an inclusive community that appreciates, celebrates and advances student and campus 多样性 at Hamline University.
We support, empower, and promote the success of all students with particular attention to U.S. 有色人种学生和土著学生, first generation college students and other students from historically marginalized backgrounds. 与其他大学和社区成员合作, 我们的举措帮助学生为生活做好准备, 在多元化的大学和世界中服务并取得成功.

  • 提供服务, resources and initiatives that assist students with successful transitions, 有意义的经历和从大学毕业
  • Offer personal, social and 文化 support to students and encourage academic success
  • 为学生创造拥抱的机会, 庆祝和了解不同的种族, 种族, 文化, 以及社会身份
  • Facilitate student  leadership, engagement and participation in the University community
  • Advocate for students and assist University constituencies in creating environments supportive of students from diverse backgrounds, 身份和社区
  • 教育大学社区有关独特的历史, cultures and experiences of students from diverse backgrounds and populations
  • Provide opportunities for the University community to engage in meaningful discourse about multi文化, 多样性, 以及社会公正问题

Our services are inclusive, but some initiatives are targeted toward specific communities.


日期 历史事件
1968 肯尼迪博士遇刺后不久. 马丁·路德·金. (4月4日, 1968), Hamline University President Bailey appointed a university-wide committee to investigate and make recommendations concerning the university relationship, 为“弱势青年”提供外展和服务,,产生了文件14.
1969 促进种族认同, 尊严, 与平等(骄傲), 第一个有色人种学生组织成立了. 二年级学生理查德·琼斯被选为第一任校长. PRIDE代表并包容了所有美国有色人种学生, 还有国际学生.
1970 由于第14号文件, the Office of Special 项目 was created with Leavy Oliver hired as Director of Special 项目 and Educationally Disadvantaged Students.
1973 特别项目办公室改为少数民族事务办公室.
1974 Name changed again to Minority Careers Office, becomes known as Office of Minority 项目. 芭芭拉·西蒙斯成为导演.
1978 少数族裔项目办公室开始向学生主任汇报工作.
1979 尤兰达·威廉姆斯, 1979年毕业于文科学院, 成为少数族裔项目主任.
1984 西班牙拉丁美洲俱乐部成立于校园,后来解散.
1985 Daniel Abebe, a 1974 graduate of the 文理学院, 成为少数族裔项目主任.
1986 Office of Minority 项目 changed to Office of Inter文化 Affairs.  国际 students and domestic students of color integrated into the same office.
1989 Starletta Barber Poindexter becomes new director of newly named office—Office of Multi文化 Affairs (OMA).  国际 students and domestic students of color now served from separate offices, OMA和国际学生新葡新京app中心(CISS).
1989 Hamline Open Organization for Diversity (HOOD) founded in the fall by CLA student, Jamie Hart (’91).  该组织后来在1997-98学年解散.
1990 Hamline Asian American Student Union (HAASU), formerly Asia Watch, is charted. 创始成员包括Chia Vue (1994), 杨阳(1992年), 姜氏(94年), Chao Lee(1992年), 和乔迪·普莱斯(1993年).
1992 HAASU成为亚太美国联盟.
1994 胡校董事会批准当前的大学多元化政策.
1995 苗族学生会(HSA)由学生成立, (1998年, 总统,1996 - 97年), 李杜朝(1999, 总统,1998 - 99年), 葛雄(1998), 总统,1997 - 98年).
1996 Native American Student Association (NASA) founded by students Angie Losh, 卡丽莎·怀特(96届), Darian LaTocha(1997年), 凯利·米拉姆(1998年).
1998 卡洛斯·D. 斯尼德成为多元文化事务办公室主任. 阿尔玛拉蒂娜, 国际学生组织, 多元文化联盟成立, 以及社会正义研讨会和. 马丁·路德·金. 大学纪念. Josh jongeward(98届)是阿尔玛拉蒂娜的创始总裁. Sanaz Abaie (’99) was the founding president of the 国际学生组织.
1999 维多利亚·L. 乡绅的总统, PRIDE became the Black Student Alliance (acronym no longer part of the official name but used in historic references).
2001 Office moves from Student Center to Old Main Hall and renamed Center for Multi文化 and 国际 Student Affairs (MISA), as offices begins coordinating 国际 Student Orientation and offering on-going support, 为CLA国际学生提供咨询和项目.  Administrative Assistant positions reduced to part-time to allow for the creation of a part time Coordinator of 国际 Student Support position.
2003 行政助理离职后, the position was lost as the Coordinator for 国际 Student Support became a full-time position.

多种族学生协会(MSA)由Peter Johnson创立, 一位高级, 劳拉·曼, 大二学生, 谁担任第一协调员. MSA名称后来改为FUSION.

西南亚学生(SOSA)与Colin Smith共同创立, 一个初级, 担任开国总统.

Hamline African Student Association (HASA) founded by Ahmed Sirleaf II, 一位高级, with Abdiraham Abdi served as the first president during the 2004-2005 school year.

2004年10月 卡洛斯·D. Sneed is promoted to new position as Assistant Dean of Students for Diversity and Community/ Director of Multi文化 and 国际 Student Affairs as position and responsibilities expanded to include campus-wide 多样性 programs. 多元文化学生项目助理主任, 新职位, 是为了扩大斯尼德的角色而设立的.

Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) and Hamline 国际 新葡新京娱乐场app下载 Student Association (HIGSA) founded.  丹增次仁, 一个初级, 丹增扬敦创立了SFT, 大二学生, 当选为2005-06学年的校长.

Damian韦特, an international student from the School of Management and MISA student worker, helps to establish and serves as the first president of the Hamline 国际 新葡新京娱乐场app下载 Student Association (HIGSA).

2005年4月 PRIDE Black Student Alliance celebrated 35th anniversary with 校友 Reunion Weekend, 激发了校友们与新葡新京娱乐场app下载重新联系的兴趣, 彼此和现在的学生.
2005年7月 MISA begins coordinating immigration services for international students. 国际学生新葡新京app中心(CISS)解散.  MISA现在提供所有服务, programs and support for all international students and CLA students of color.  行政助理职位回到办公室.
2005年8月 黑人校友会成立. 约兰达威廉姆斯(79),前导演,当选为第一任总统.
2005 – 2006 MISA庆祝三十五周年, Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC) celebrates fifteen year anniversary, and Hmong Student Association (HSA) celebrates ten year anniversary with alumni reunion event in April.
2006年6月 MISA办公室迁至新地点,休伊特大道1475号.
2010年7月 MISA Office begins reported to the Office of Diversity Integration under the Association Vice President for Diversity Integration, 新葡新京app的高级多元化官员.
2011年1月 MISA Office reorganized with international student services removed from MISA Office. Gender and sexual orientation initiatives added to office with new position added to address these issues and populations.
2011年4月 Office renamed Hedgeman中心 学生多样性倡议和项目, 以安娜·阿诺德·赫奇曼命名, 1922届, 新葡新京娱乐场app下载的第一位有色人种毕业生.

要了解更多信息,您可以查看 幻灯片简报(PDF) 关于赫奇曼中心的历史.
